Group Art Therapy
Danielle specializes in group art therapy services. Some of the most common art therapy groups that are established are based around the logistics and psychological issues or life experiences that present as a common theme within the group.
Examples of art therapy groups Danielle facilitates:
Youth groups: based on general age, learning abilities and common mental/ physical health issues
Adult groups: based on common mental/ physical health issues
Senior groups: focused on maintaining memory, concentration and to promote socialization
Health based groups: chronic illness/ wellness groups focused on psycho-education, advocacy and self care
Acute mental health focused groups: includes groups with acute mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis
Issues based groups: caregivers, stress management, chronic illness, grief, bereavement
Institutional groups: schools, hospitals, mental health facilities to promote psycho-education and wellness
Profession based groups (non-clinical/ therapeutic arts groups): for health and wellness professionals, corporate team building or organizations
General public groups (non-clinical/ therapeutic arts groups): created for fostering community interaction and education about art therapy
Fees vary dependent on group size, art materials and location.
Are you interested in group art therapy services?
To schedule a complimentary consultation: click here or email Danielle at
To learn more about group art therapy, check out Danielle's blog post!